Loyal Sons & Daughters

Each year in the Spring, the Rutgers Alumni Association honors those individuals who have made a significant contribution of service to our alma mater.  Among awards made to alumni volunteers by the RAA, the Loyal Son and Loyal Daughter awards are the highest recognition of service.

Nominations are made by past recipients; selections are made by the RAA Loyal Sons & Daughters committee and the RAA Board of Directors. 

Join us on Saturday, April 5, 2025 for the Loyal Sons & Daughters event!  Click here for more Information.

Honor Individuals.
Honor Service.
Honor Rutgers.


Rutgers Alumni Association Loyal Sons and Daughters Logo

The Loyal Son of Rutgers Award was originally created in 1958 to honor Rutgers Alumni Association officers for their leadership service to their Alma Mater. As Rutgers grew and flourished through the decades, the Loyal Daughter designation was added to recognize the changing demographics and to honor the significant contributions of women during the history of the RAA.

The award criteria later expanded to recognize individuals who not only were volunteer leaders for their class and the RAA but had given extraordinary service to the University community. Countless examples of university service have ranged from volunteering on multiple boards and committees, to giving time and counsel to specific academic, athletic or outreach  programs.

Other outstanding volunteers become creative ambassadors for the University in the community or bring special skills in mentoring and networking to Alma Mater.

Specific criteria is that the service be substantial, sustained, and have significant impact for the University. For 60 years extraordinary service has been honored annually and more than 500 alumni have been privileged to enter the ranks of Loyal Sons and Daughters of Rutgers University.